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Hello everyone, am Agustiani Agoestian used to call mam Yenny or Yenny Laoshi. Am an English teacher at SMK TELKOM JAKARTA and I teach other foreign languages like Mandarin and German but as a private teacher. I was a Mandarin Teacher at SMK TELESANDHI Tambun Bekasi and SIS PIK West Jakarta.

I also a Motivator, an Inspirator, Digital Teacher, Guru Penggerak Indonesia and Guru Ahli. Am a person incharge for English Project of Bekasi, East Jakarta, West and North Jakarta zone for GURU AHLI. Also as a Project Manager For English Development at GURU AHLI in collaborate with UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA and VLC-INDONESIA.

GURU AHLI is a Digital Education for Educated and to educate people, based in Jakarta at Menara Imperium 20th floor. We serve an online and offline Learning with digital system leaded by the professionals in their competencies.

If you are interested in joining the GURU AHLI to become an online and offline Teachers after the class, please feel free to contact me through my social medias at IG Yenny.Agoestian, FB @Agustiany Agoestian or visit GURU AHLI website @GURU AHLI or download the app of GURU AHLI through google play.

Soft Launching of GURU AHLI will be done at the very nearest time and Grand Launching held in Bandung at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Live from Bandung with TV UPI and VLC-Indonesia via Zoom and Youtube.

Thanks every one, am waiting for your feedback


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