Mutual of Understanding (MOU) MC
This MC draft was made as an example when there was an MOU (Mutual of Understanding) activity between two agencies, both government and private. The following arrangement of events, invitations, and institution names are examples to make it easier for someone to be appointed as a Master of Ceremony (MC) in MOU activities. This activity is semi-formal, with not much use of prologue.
The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Entrepreneurs Network, on Thursday, September 23rd, 2021, is about to commence.
Distinguished guests, Ladies, and Gentlemen, you are kindly requested to prepare yourselves at the venue. Thank you.
The Governor of Lemhannas RI and the General Chairperson of the National Entrepreneurs Network arrive at the event venue.
Assalamualikum Wr. Wb, Good afternoon and greetings to all of us. Shalom, om swasiastu, namo budaya, greetings of virtue.
The Honorable Governor of Lemhannas RI
Distinguished Deputy Governor of Lemhannas RI
Distinguished General Chairperson of the National Entrepreneurs Network
Distinguished Daily Chairperson of the National Entrepreneurs Network
Distinguished Guests, Ladies, and Gentlemen.
Praise and gratitude to God Almighty, this afternoon we meet in good health, at the “Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Entrepreneurs Network.”
Distinguished guests, Ladies, and gentlemen
Let’s come to the first agenda, “the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, followed by the exchange of manuscripts and placards.
The Honorable the Governor of Lemhannas RI and the General Chairperson of the National Entrepreneurs Network, you are kindly requested to take your place.
(The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by the Governor of Lemhannas RI and the General Chairperson of the National Entrepreneurs Network)
(then exchange scripts)
(then exchange placards)
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
The next agenda is the speeches.
The first speech will be delivered by the General Chairperson of the National Entrepreneurs Network,
The Honorable Mr …., the floor is yours.
(Thank you sir, you may return to the venue)
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
The following agenda is the speech by the Governor of Lemhannas RI,
The Honorable Lieutenant General TNI (Retired) …….. the floor is yours.
(Thank you sir, you may return to the venue)
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
The Prayer that will be guided by Mr ….. ,
Mr ….., the floor is yours.
(Thank you)
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
The next agenda is a group photo (Humas directly in action)
We invite you for a group photo session in front of the backdrop.
Untuk mengabadikan momen yang berbahagia ini, kami mohon kepada Yth bapak Gubernur, Bapak Wakil Gubernur, para Deputi, bapak Karo dan undangan untuk berfoto bersama di depan backdrop.
To immortalize this happy moment, we kindly request the Governor, the Deputy Governor, Deputies, Head of Cooperation Coordination, and the guests to take pictures together in front of the backdrop.
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
The whole series of agendas are completed this afternoon. On behalf of the committee, we would like to thank you and apologize if there are shortcomings in the implementation.
Now, you are kindly to proceed to have lunch.
Wasalamualikum Wr. Wb.
Nani K
Jonggol, 24 September 2021
Artikel ke-34 KMAA
Ref. Kegiatan MOU Lemhannas RI