Muhibah To Marocco

Islam, YPTD27 Dilihat


Thamrin Dahlan’s notes


In fact, everything that happens in this mortal world is not accidental. Everything has been written in a secret book in Lauh Mahfudz. Confidence in responding to every event makes the crew realize day by day how great the Power of Allah SWT is. GOD Great.

Acquaintance with Ustazd Dede Sudirja 20 years ago. He is a teacher at Mambaul Ulum Islamic Elementary School where 3 boys and 1 girl go to school. This Ustazd jamaah tabligh is now married and leads the Al Ikhsan Islamic Boarding School in Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta.

Monday 9 January 2023 Bada’ Isya Ustazd Dede and Ustazd Abdul Jaber visited the house. Sympathy. Please pray for blessings for goodwill to the African Moroccan Country. Planned take of by Turkis Airlane 15/01/2023.

You already know by now how great Morocco is. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar, Morocco as a non-seeded team was able to record achievements in the top 4. This achievement is not abysmal even including very brilliant.

One of the impressions left by the Moroccan Football Team is about manners. Spectators all over the world saw first hand how the coaches and players were very polite. The game of football is a hard sport. But they play not rough and very professional.

Islamic adab is shown to the world. Coaches and players after each match always approached Mother. Bow down and bow down as proof of how much respect you have for your beloved mother. When the King of Morocco invited the Soccer Team, they brought Mother to the Palace.

Qadarullah Ustazd Dede has intended to do good deeds to Morocco since last year. However, due to several obstacles, including the Covid 19 Pandemic, God willing, this intention can only be realized in January 2023. Plans for 30 days of friendly relations with Muslim brothers in a country with a majority Muslim population.

This time the Indonesian tabligh congregation went to Morocco in the Masturoh Jamaat format. Jamaah Masturoh is a congregation of husband and wife tabligh congregation. There are 4 couples who will depart. As Amir, Ustad Dede Sudirja has goodwill experience in almost all Indonesian Provinces.

Tabligh from mosque to mosque is in the form of leaving the house for 7 days, 40 days and even 4 months. Apart from that, Ustazd Dede Sudirja gave grants to several countries. Mecca Medina, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and even to Columbia, South America.

In the writer’s capacity, the crew advised Ustazd Dede and the Tablighi congregation to document the true story of muhibah. Writing or in the form of video recordings is very meaningful in spreading the Islamic religion. The experience during the goodwill opened the eyes of Indonesian Muslims about the lives of Muslim brothers and sisters in foreign countries.

The collection of Muhibah InshaAllah will become a book. Books are an undeniable alibi for proof of the presence of a human child on earth. Insha Allah, the Thamrin Dahlan Heritage Foundation (YPTD) publisher is ready to facilitate the publication of books with ISBNs.

“Ready Pak Haji, Insha Allah Muhibah to Morocco we will start documenting the journey of the Symbol of Islam”

That was our conversation while enjoying Sate Padang Sutan Ali ordered via go food from Hek Kramatjati Market, East Jakarta. Aceh-born Ustazzd Ali Jabar who speaks Minangkabau fluently says that the taste of Sate Pandang is authentic and very delicious.

Thank God, our family continues the tradition of Ayahanda Haji Dahlan bin Affan (Alm) and Mother Hj Kamsiah Binti Sutan Mahmud (Almh). The Tradition of the Sunnah of the Prophets is to start guests in the form of entertaining food. If God allows.

Congratulations Ustazd Haji Dede and the congregation. Hopefully the entire series of trips to Morocco, Allah SWT will smoothen and make it easy and get the greatest value for the symbols of Islam. Amen oh Lord of the worlds.


  • Greetings
  • BHP. January 10, 2023
  • TD

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