Type of Presentation

Type of Presentation

Have you ever been appointed to be a presenter? Of course, you did, although most of the presenters are still dominated by academics such as students, teachers, community leaders, or even by our children who are still in elementary, middle, and high school. The capacity for presentation is certainly different depending on their level of education and profession. Even for salesmen, they also have to make presentations.

If a teacher might often make presentations in front of the principal, other teachers, or the students. It is a common thing. Presenting with teaching is not the same. If you make a presentation, it tends to be semi-formal or formal. The delivery method must be orderly and follow the presentation rules. When teaching, a teacher is more informal and free to use methods that are appropriate for his students.

I had also been appointed to make presentations but not for other teachers or my students but presented in front of friends and officials from abroad when I was assigned to Lebanon as a Logistics Officer. How do I feel? I felt a little bit nervous because the audience is not familiar and does not use Indonesian. However, because making presentations is one of my duties to deliver as JLOC (Joint Logistic Operation Center), I have to be ready.

What exactly is the definition of presentation? According to the Oxford Dictionary definition, “Presentation is the giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal ceremony.”

Another meaning of presentation, “a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.”

How many types of presentations are there? There are many types of presentations but I will discuss five common types of presentations that I got from reading on the internet and learning public speaking with native speakers from the British Council.

1. Presentation to inform the audience

Telling others is the most popular type of presentation in business. Simple and straight to the point. The main goal here is to provide clear instructions, communicate an accurate explanation, or present your new findings.

For example, a presentation about a company update, planning a new project or presenting to a team or line manager.

Audiences don’t look for funny videos or gimmicks, they do expect clear and accurate directions. This can effectively be done with a simple flyer or announcement. Presenters don’t need a slideshow unless there’s a lot of information to convey.

2. Presentation to educate the audience

In many businesses, presentations are used to educate and teach new skills to staff and are commonly referred to as staff training.

When the audience understands the information presented, they tend to carry out the instructions of the presenter. The goal here is to ensure the audience is knowledgeable and informed about the topic being presented.

Presenters are expected to get various sources or data to support the slides that are displayed and if necessary there are booklets and demonstrations or role-plays. The presenter also considers the variations in learning styles within a group and teaching skills in their presentations.

Educational presentations, training workshops, or training sessions don’t need to belong, keep in mind that the audience’s attention span is short so make sure the training is dynamic and interactive. Presenters can learn how to give a good training course by taking various public speaking courses.

3. Presentation to persuade and convince the audience

When presenting at team meetings or to clients externally, the art of persuasion will provide solutions to their problems.

For example, when selling services and products to investors or business partners, the sales presentation needs to be polished. Can use scenarios supported by visual infographics and interesting short videos.

Truly persuasive speech has evidence, logic, and emotion in it. This key component will help spark a reaction and ultimately help persuade and convince your audience.

4, Presentation for solving challenges

Presentations are conducted in a round table setting where everyone can be involved to capitalize on ideas and come up with innovative solutions.

5. Presentations to inspire audiences

When a presenter can inspire others, he or she can create the spark that is the basis for change and action.

This type of presentation provides an example of how to do or create something.

After being able to identify the right type of presentation, the presenter needs to think about the content and delivery. Few people can stand before the most established and influential people in the company and speak with elegance, eloquence, and confidence.

Another person may have a great presentation but it doesn’t work because the words are spoken inappropriately with the type of presentation leading to a lack of audience engagement.

After knowing the type of presentation, the presenter will be able to take the right steps, which type of presentation is right for presentation.


Nani Kusmiyati

Jonggol, 5 September 2021

Artikel ke – 18 Lomba KMAA

Ref : https://www.liveandlearnconsultancy.co.uk/types-of-presentations/


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