20. Jujur

KMAB36 Dilihat

This term is most familiar to people, but it is difficult to live it. Honest means not lying or lying.

A person begins to be honest or not, used to it when he was a child. When asked by parents, whether they have taken a bath or have studied, the child’s answer will be the basis of the child’s next attitude. If the child often lies, when he grows up he will easily lie. For example, at work, when asked by their superiors whether the task has been completed, workers who are accustomed to lying will say they have, even though the task has not been done.

Dishonesty will be dangerous if it is related to money, for example buying goods for 2 million, dishonest workers will report the price of the goods they buy is two million one hundred thousand. Indeed, several times his boss was deceived, but one day an experienced boss would definitely know this fraud.

Akibatnya, selain malu, kalau atasannya tegas, malahan bisa kena PHK. Bila bekerja, jadilah pekerja yang jujur, Hal ini diawali sejak sekolah tidak pernah. meñyontek atau ngerpek. Bila sudah bekerja juga pasti jauh dari kecurangan. Kecurangan yang lain yang lebih besar dapat mengarah ke tindakan korupsi, bila sudah melibatkan proyek yang nilainya besar.

Ketidak jujuran juga terlihat ketika seseorang menerima uang suap, orang memberikan uang suap pasti ada yang ditutupi, sebagai petugas yang jujur, justru memeriksa lebih teliti dan menolak segala bentuk penyuapan.

Menolak uang suap dengan istilah uang transport atau uang jalan, harus dilakukan meski teman-teman kita banyak yang menerimanya. Kita jangan takut menolak, meski dibully teman-teman cari muka pada atasan karena sok jujur.

Kejujuran harus selalu dipertahankan, sekali kita bettindak tidak jujur, orang akan menengarai kita orang tidak jujur, meski kita sudah bertindak jujur aeterusnya,

Juga bila ditanya sesuatu, hendaknya dijawab secara jujur. Bila kita menjawab tidak jujur, penanya yang berpengalaman dapat mengajukan teknik bertanya yang membuat kita terjebak dalam kebingungan.

In our daily actions wherever we are, we must always be honest. Because honest people will show their integrity, so that it is easier for superiors to reward us with promotions or salary increases.

Honesty should be applied in domestic life, a husband must be honest with his wife and vice versa. A lie will surely be exposed, and this will ruin the happiness of the family.

Although in life there is a so-called ‘white lie’, a white lie, a lie that must be done to prevent conflict, but must be clarified immediately so that it does not develop into a complete lie.

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