Rundown Ice Breaking & Cultural Night

Rundown Ice Breaking & Cultural Night

A. Rundown Ice Breaking for Spouses of Indonesian Navy Officers

The arrival of the guests

07.00   The arrival of the Spouses of Indonesian Navy Officers

07.10   The arrival of the Chief of the Indonesian Navy Officer’s spouse

07.15.  Ice Breaking begins

  1. MC Opening
  2. The Performance of Bala Anjani Dance
  3. Balloon release
  4. Taking Pictures
  5. The Performance of Gandrung Dance
  6. MC Closing

B. Rundown Ice Breaking for Initial Planning Conference (IPC)

18.45  The arrival of participants

18.55  The arrival of Commander of Naval Western Fleet Command

19.00  Ice Breaking begins

  1. MC Opening
  2. Address the delegation who are attending this IPC

(20 foreign countries delegations)

  1. Displaying the video of The Naval Western Fleet Command
  2. Welcoming speech by the Commander of Naval Western Fleet Command
  3. Light meals are served and accompanied by soft music
  4. MC Closing

C. Rundown Cultural Night

19.00 The Arrival of Commander of PMPP (Peacekeeping Mission Center)

19.05 The Performance of TOR-TOR Dance (Batak Tribe, North Sumatra)

19.10 Opening show  (Video UNIFIL Mission + Commander of PMPP  Profile)

19.15 MC Opening

19.17 The Indonesia National Anthem, ‘Indonesia Raya’.

19.20 Welcome Remarks by the Commander of FHQSU Task Force

19.22 Remark by Commander of PMPP TNI

19.32 Prayer

19.35 Video of Pre Deployment Training (PDT)

19.40 Dinner Reception (accompanied by Akustik Band)

20.10 Marawis (religious performance)

20.20 The Performance of Kecak Dance Collaboration

20.30 The Performance of Papua Dances

20.40 Band (one song)

20.45 Food impression and one song by Commander of the PMPP TNI along with Mrs…

21.00 Collaboration Dance and Flashmob

21.15 Photos session

21.20 MC Closing


Nani Kusmiyati

Jonggol, 30 September 2021

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